The “DEFIANCE” project was for a group in Houston. It would consist of a table top size bronze of an African Elephant, my design. The Presidential Seal was cast into the bronze base of #1/50, and went to the White House and is now in The George H. W. Bush Library at Texas A & M. The Vice Presidential Seal was cast into the base of #2/50, which went to V.P. Dan Quayle. Another group in California purchased one that we cast the State of California’s Seal into the base and was presented to then Governor Pete Wilson. There was a plan in progress in Houston to enlarge “DEFIANCE” to 1.5 life-size, cast in bronze and installed next to The Astrodome. IF the Republicans won the White House again. However William Jefferson Clinton was elected President that year and this commission was never completed.
We did sell a lot of elephants, a smaller size of “Defiance” and even an African Elephant Cow and her mischievous calf, “DEFIANT TOO”.